It is a gift for iza from Paris!
We would love to thank Loulou's mum for sending iza stamps,
as wished by iza in a former post, her ever first post.
It's amazing that a little whispher is being heard in a far place around the world.
The blog is really a nice place.
Having response is wonderful!


I love lineworks.
Both sketches are by iza.
The lines are strong.

The dotted lines indicating overlappings are very delicate.

1 comment:

Loulou's mum said...

I am so glad you received it.
Yes indeed the "blogosphere" is a wonderful place for inspiration and sharing.
It was fun looking at a box of Laughing Cow cheese with Iza's ayes. Loulou is a great fan of this cheese. She will only eat Vache Qui Rit (in french). So sad for a little girl living in a country producing more than 200 different cheeses.