When I picked up iza from school yesterday, I saw her playing with this yellow balloon.
"Who gives you this?" I asked.
"Mr. Marcus (her English teacher). I exchange this with 5 smiley faces!" Iza said proudly.
"If I have 2000 smiley faces, then I can have..."
We were still not yet stepping outside her school...
"...400 balloons!"
"How do you know?" I wondered how she came up with the answer.
"Just think."

My little dear,
she got the answer within half a minute.
My little one,
she knows multiplications of 3, but not yet 4...

I'm tempted to show this "magic" balloon!


Last Sunday, before flying back from Shanghai to Hong Kong.

I was totally exhausted.
And, Iza was not.
She kept talking and talking and talking.
My only response was "ng" (means yes)...

"You 'ng' to everything I said. I have just said the opposite!" she complained.

I used all my energy to give her a gentle smile.

On the plane, I slept almost all the way.
When we got off the plane, saying goodbye to flight attendants...

" Hey! Mama, say goodbye to your 'ng' !"

Good tease!
Thank you very much iza!



It is formerly a slaughterhouse, now an arts space.

The interior is very "Gotham City".
Space is fluid, organic and hybrid.

Iza got natural high with all those ramps and stairscases.
She wanted to play hide-and-seek.
Definitely we would lost.
The space is very intricate!
We promise her we will bring walkie-talkie next time, then we can play hard!
She wanted to have her shot without the head!

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