I wish to have stronger wings.
A little bird by iza
I'm swinging from one extreme mood to the other.
As a "coach" to our design team and "mentor" of iza, I experience a significant difference in advocating different minds which are predominated with different habits of thinking.
Some are so passive in listening, perceiving, retrieving, questioning, expressing, knowing ............
I'm EXTREMELY curious on how one perceives information, how one's brain works, what governs one's inclination towards his/her way of employing his/her knowledge ...
Iza's mind is still free from set frames. It's so bountiful when talking, creating, inventing, day dreaming, arguing ... with her. We always get inspired and provoked. I'm keen on knowing how to "prevent" the loss of a free [ no traffic jam ] mind ...
Still searching...
Maybe some insights in

" Habit is a cable. We weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it"
Horace Mann
I've making the dolls for my daugthers Tatiana (13) and Aliénor(12). I'm very interesting by Waldorf education, I think , it's the better for children needs!!!Bye
I've searched for Waldorf education right away. There are a lot of insights!
Thanks Evelyne!
the rythmical structure of the day with artistic activities(drawing,painting with water color,modelling with beeswax),Grimm's stories,making bread,freeplay(in and out),preparing festivals with the events of seasons.Rythm and repetition:example and imitation.Everyday you make"the protective mantel"for Iza with all your love.
Before, I've never heard about Waldorf education.
Now I've start reading about it. It's really inspiring!!
I'm really much appreciate for your sharing. It's the beauty of the blogsphere.
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