

Iza is not good at gross motor and fine motor coordination. Therefore, we have her attending swimming class since 4Y3M.
Quite unexpected, iza is being selected to a special training program (last for 6 months) in this February. The coach only picked 4 children in age 5-6 with shown potential. I'm uncertain that iza is the one. The coach might mix up names of children!? When she swims, she cannot coordinate her arms, legs and breathes ...
After 2 months training, iza can swim in all 4 styles though in her own funny way!
The coach once told me that iza has feeling in Backstroke.
I never think that swimming is about feeling...


Anonymous said...

really like the first one...

Maia said...

Sometimes, a good coach (like a good teacher) knows to appreciate the students that try the hardest or are the most mentally "attunded" to the activity, over and above some of those who may have a natural talent, but little ambition or imagination. That could be why she was chosen - at least I hope so. I love when a teacher is good enough to be that discerning.

Maia said...

btw our daughter is quite good with motor skills, but she is speech-delayed (since she had to have several surgeries on her mouth). She has compensated by learning sign language so fast that she has left her poor parents in the dust!