Milan 8

Just have time to do a little post.
Then we will head to the HK Polytechnic, iza will have rehearsal there.
She's having a violin performance (group) tonight.
Hope everything is fine!
She is nasty these few days. She refused to rehearse in the last violin lesson ... Yesterday, she used scissors to cut her classmate's artwork and tools, and intended to cut the other's trousers ... and, kicked her teacher ... she loved her teacher but just couldn't help doing so ...
Headache ... monster iza ...


Maia said...

They all go through difficult phases, don't they? It's a little bit frightening when it happens. Our Q has just learned to frown, and what a frown she has! Truly fierce. Good thing she usually giggles a minute or two later.

Yoli said...

Oh yes, they do go through difficult phases like Maia says. Mine can be angelic can cooperative or a total hellion. Love the pictures, the colors and your little girl is just enchanting.

Evelyne said...

Dear Alliot, Iza is 6 years old, a child, beautiful and so clever!
Study music will be stay a pleasure not a contraint. Tatiana play cello and Alienor piano, but not on a school, just paticular lessons because they doesn't like exams!!! Be quiet, Alliot!
"qui va piano, va sano e va lontano". Evelyne