Thanks dear Fei An for your recommendation! I watched this interview of luanke 卢安克. (click on to view the video)
卢安克 is a volunteer teacher in a remote village in China. To me, he is a teacher of life. There are a lot of inspiring materials in his blog, deep thoughts on education. He has translated into Chinese a number of books by Rudolf Steiner which are free to download. ( I yelled when I saw this, not because it's free, because, it's rare. Rare in the sense that Steiner's works, no matter in press or print, are scarce in HK. When I calm down, I think free is a clue. Free is to spread the message across this land ) 卢安克 has provided we Chinese such a valuable source on Steiner's ideas on education and an incredible important message on bringing up our children.
I have come into this inspiring video: Oudoor Preschool - Norway.
I would love to share these, especially with parents and teachers in Hong Kong, though I don't know how far will it reach within this tiny piece of land.
I'm so happy, dear friend...
I try to work in these sens with my little pupills in public school...not easy but I try.
I am very touched by Luanke. The responsibility of teach used to be: 教书育人. Today so many teachers only teach the knowledge, but forget their responsibility also includes, teach students the meaning of life, how to be a better human being. Would like watch the whole interview. Thanks FeiAn and Alliot for sharing
It's really good for reflection. Many Thanks for your sharing.
I watched the video. It is amazing. I think I really should apprecite the great nature of Norway more. The children really learn a lot from the great nature, from real life as well. I will start to pay attention to "rethink education", it is an important issue but for most of the times, maybe I am too relaxed with this matter.
Its a little late to comment on your post...so I write this to those who pass by my comment. I am lucky enough to live 10 mins. from a Waldorf Kindergarten...it is being built in time for my 3 year old daughter to enter its door January 2011. Stenier's philosophy is wonderful, no doubt. But I would like to point out that I have a friend who went to Waldorf schools kindergarten to highschool...she said, that in her opinion its wonderful up unitl a certain age (3 to 8 years of age). Waldorf is all about make believe, fantasy, spirituality and nature...no doubt this is important...BUT...my friend said it was hard to transfer into "real" life...the competitive, rushed, adult life, the majority tend to favor and ask of work/university education. So in the end its not about good or bad (public or waldorf) its about nurturing creative thinking and core values (trust, love, happiness, imperfection, perfection, ETC.) All the best.. Lissette from Germany
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