Exam is OVER.

iza was teased by her classmates some time ago ... because she said that knowledge is not from books.
"Knowledge is from the NATURE, our LIFE and HISTORY."
iza said.
... i'm delighted because she has a broad mind. She cross references her experiences in different episodes and establishes her own belief ... i'm worried because she finds difficulty in getting along with her peers.
However, examination is only about books and worksheets ... she needs to adjust her state of mind and focus, so as to survive the exam ...


just me said...

Iza is wise beyond her years. If I were a teacher, I would love to have a student as observant and philosophical as Iza.

But are the two mutually exclusive? Can't she do well in school (and exams) while maintaining her sense of wonder and her astute perception of the world around her?

Yanyan said...

I love the first picture! I can so feel the joy! Iza is special and I hate the idea the other kids teased her on that. Sometimes we want to belong and we hide our true self, that was my case when I was little (and even not so little) It is precious for Iza to be herself and auntie Yanyan is cheering for you!

Yoli said...

She is a brilliant child. Do not let her believe for one minute the teasing. Her teachers should welcome such a mind in their class. For her to make these connections at such an early age is cause to celebrate not put down.

Karumen said...

iza, you go girl! books are to inspire you to think boarder, not just whatever is told on books. i'm with you! i wish one day, teachers can be more open minded, and not just appreicate students who say yes to everything