Last Sunday.
You came across an interesting discussion on "different point of views" with your violin teacher ... Ms Mo said, " It's like ... some people think that you are difficult to teach but I do not feel the same way. "
It's the reason I feel comfortable with your violin lessons. And, it's also the reason why you are so confident to be yourself in front of her. She has the greatest patience and tolerance.
Thanks, iza's dearest teacher.

20110403 from alliot on Vimeo. Iza was learning a new piece of music at a violin lesson.
Sorry for the roughness in editing and the uncontrollable contrasts.
* Thanks 周游 :)
This is wonderful. Thanks for the video. So nice to hear Iza playing, laughing. Her smile makes me smile. The music is still in my head...
OH this is such a treat!!! I have seen her so many times through these images and always felt she was not only beautiful but so dynamic. Now seeing her in this small clip gives me a glimpse of what I had always suspected. Thank you for sharing! I think she is far too intelligent for many teachers, she has to be approached in a different way. I am glad she found the right teacher. You can tell they love each other.
Thanks dear yanyan and Yoli. I'm a bit anxious for posting such a rough video.
Dear Yoli, you are right. I always feel the magical bonding between them. i'm SO glad to see iza is accepted as just who she is by her teacher.
i love this video, it's sweet and nice!
the emotions are far more important than professional skills and lighting la :)
好喜歡這段片, 充滿電影感, 率性又帶點粗糙美. 和片上面的相一樣, 我看了好多次. 剛叫了熊和我一起看. 他也好喜歡.
pls, 多拍片給我們看, 不只看iza, 也看你的.
攪到我也心思思想拍片. 不過沒有機在手, 只有部Canon ixus70.
Dear Alliot this is great ! Thank you so much. I love this video, your black and white is always stunning. So precious to discover Iza's grace in motion. She's so full of energy and joy. She's a rare and precious daughter indeed.
I love it! Wonderful! She is so extraordinarily charming!
I could watch and listen to her all day.....Oh Alliot, the video isnt rough at all. I am totally charmed.
More! The crowd shouts ENCORE!
J' aime tellement les voir s' enfoncer dans la musique!
to understand and to accept are of utmost important to everybody. Good for Iza!!
Thanks :)
I would also love to make more videos. It's another layer in documenting daily lives.
Dear Gualla, Yes! Do go and make some videos!
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