A great interview on Tiel Seivl- Keevers from Tsk Tsk by bloesem ( www.bloesem.blogs.com ).

I always feel the balance between being a mum and work is a challenge.
I really like her words:

"And I’m loving how I can combine the whole’ mum thing’ with the ‘work for myself thing!’"

Here is part of the interview:

"Does being a mom influence your work … do you notice differences in your work from before you were a mom and nowadays?
Oh yes. Without a doubt. I often wonder what will happen when the kids are older. I think my style will grow as they do. Often their interests influence my themes. I’m dreading the day where my children will hate me changing the art in their room all the time and they will want to replace it with stuff I hate!"

A smile inside my heart.

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