Crazy girl


Loulou's mum said...

Shopping time ?
I think this orange colour suits Iza very well.
Is it one of Iza's pictures I saw on the Vestiaire de Jeanne blog ? I love those pieces of clothes. I dread shopping with Loulou. She is absolutly not interested and can't stand still while trying the clothes on so I do try to buy a lot on the net hoping it fits.

Anonymous said...

great pictures!

alliot + iza said...

Iza was not fitting :)
She also hasn't got the patience to try clothes or shoes. It works better if I browse on the net and ask for her opinions. It's less complicated ... I always love VDJ! These pictures might not be the ones on VDJ's blog. Actually, iza was wearing a nicola edeler's felt jacket (2-3yrs ago's series) from Modernchild. But Modernchild does not carry Nicola's clothes anymore. What a pity! I think you are mentioning about the Bodebo's orange La Robe Lilou? It's fabulous! I've order one for iza but in green.
I love striking colors