i love to observe silently when iza is very focused ...
throughout the years, i find her scraping together in her mind her own jigsaw puzzle of the world ... tracing and fitting together ties between geography, ecology, history (especially chinese history) and people ... i would wait patiently to see her finding the knots in architecture, art, music, film ... in her map, one day.
i need the patience,
i need the strong will
to keep silent.
iza, you take the lead, i will follow.

her little collection on atlas of the world
The label under "The gentleness of being a mother" will be a series of sharing on raising of my child. I'm a bit nervous when i was asked by a tender mama on sharing this ... in reality, i always feel weak and lost, and still searching on how to be a mother, a companion of my child ...
As reading a beautiful post by Kenza, i'm enchanted by her conviction on sharing between such beautiful ties knotted across the world. A little sharing is tying a tiny knot in spreading the gentleness of being a mother ... Thanks to Kenza for sharing this wonderful art of "Messenger with a Letter". Thanks to Ayshik mama.
This first post is about my reflection on the role as mama ....