A little piece of writing on a rainy day with her beloved kindergarten teachers, written by iza in 2010 Summer.
Published lately on her primary school website.
Children are encouraged to submit their writings. No matter it's good or not, every child has an equal chance to be selected. Their works are drawn randomly. Iza is fortunate to have writings published for a few times. I was moved when I saw this piece ... not because it was eventually published after being submitted for more than a year ... it's the love and the attachment sprouts from the 3 years ( the years of kindergarten, her early years ).
只要投稿,都有同等機會被抽中。不是這篇寫得多麼的好, 只是那3年情誼, 不只珍貴。
I try to do the translation ... please be excused as I'm not doing it well.
"July 21 (2010) Rainy day
That day, I went to Disneyland with three of my kindergarten teachers. I love very much my K1 class teacher, Miss Hung. She is gentle. My K2 teacher Miss Chung is playful. We love to make fun with each other. Miss Chan, my K3 teacher, is funny. She loves to joke.
Although the weather was not good, we decided to continue our date because we had planned this for a long time. Miss Hung's umbrella could not uptake the rain loads, it broke. Therefore, she bought a new umbrella in a disney store. We were all surprised that it was so expensive. It costed HK 150. The rain was really heavy, though I had my raincoat on, I was all wet. However, I loved to play in the rain.
When we rode on the roller coaster, I was so scared that I closed my eyes and pretended I had fallen asleep. I heard the people crying, so loudly. We also got onto a rotating coffee cup, it whirled so fast that we almost spun out of it. However, it was sad that typhoon signal number 3 was hoisted at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. All outdoor facilities were closed. I could not ride on the Mary-go-round which I love most. I was very upset. I am looking forward to the next dating with my teachers!"
Des couleurs qui font la fête jusque dans les yeux d'Iza.
Bises à vous deux.
Oh Iza and Alliot! You are back!!!!!!!!! She write SO well, it makes smile. Love that 吵死了comment! :)
Iza写得字还真得叫挺漂亮的。而且是繁体字啊, 对我来说很珍贵,小孩子如果从小就有写 一手好字的那种感觉和愿望,真的就太难得了。
不知道Iza 普通话说得是不是也想她写得这么流利。:)
Superb colours ! The first pict is breathtaking.
Love to see Iza's chinese handwriting. Once I'll have found again my dictionaries (deeply burried in piles of boxes and still unpacked since we moved last spring), I'd love to take some time trying and understanding what's written there...
Dear Amelie,
I do a little translation :)
I just don't know how to express my thankfulness to iza's teachers. They were there in iza's early childhood.
I dig into the archives and find the pictures of the day ... and made a little post for them, for iza.
Dear Fei An,
Iza's Putonghua is fine for brief communication. Better than me :)
Dear Alliot, thanks for the translation! So nice to read Iza's words. She's also talented in writing...
It's so precious in early childhood to meet teachers to love, whose memory will be cherished. Elsa also had that chance.
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