You made a christmas "tree" ... a beautiful shrub indeed ...
Very abstract. Very conceptual.
I admire how your tutor has inspired you.
" Mama, I wish to study in secondary school. I think it's more fun there.
媽媽, 我想讀中學。會好玩得多。"

Your Tudor D does have clever tricks to stimulate kids.
" It's better to dig ( explore ) things by ourselves than being told.
I soon forget things people just murmur to my ears.
與其由別人告訴你, 不如自己找。說。說。說。轉瞬, 忘了。"
you said in class.
" How you grab my secret ?!!!
你怎麼知道我的秘密 ? "
Tutor D.
This is such a sweet response.
"The little secret" has built a magical bridge, a secure connection, abides you and the Tutor.
You are encouraged, understood and accepted.

It's a bit sad that this beautiful child and teacher relationship does not always happen in regular classroom.
Iza is fortunate in coming into encounter with Tutor D, whom is actually the parent of a P6 student in our school.
A very devoted parent and a knowledgable person.

Thanks for the beautiful twinkling lights, Tutor Doraemon !
Images of iza were taken in Chengdu.