CHENGDU 成都音樂公園

The Creation of Man by Michelangelo........ source : here
孩子的邏輯如時令蔬果, 一切有時有候; 又如地道特產, 每一年齡時區, 歲歲年年蘊育獨有滋味。看罷阿四「五歲的最後幾天邏輯」, 趕緊記下您對亞當夏娃猿人地球的迷思。匆匆, 您已八歲半。
「上帝造人。又, 人從人猿進化。那, 亞當夏娃應該是 ... 猿 ... 人 ... 」您說。九月。一個下午。 坐在沙發上。
好一個邏輯, 八歲的您。驟然名畫中亞當夏娃, 或是 LUCAS CRANACH THE ELDER 的、或是 ALBRECHT DUREN 的、 或是 TIZIAN 的、或是 MICHELANGELO 的 ... 彷彿成了猩猩。這些影像, 一直徘徊。
「她否認她出世時是人猿BB。」五歲的您激憤, 投訴同學愛「說謊」。想到產房內一眾媽媽摟抱猩猩BB, 滿足微笑 ... 就感受到生命奇幻。真的希望幼稚園陳老師會看到這篇, 原來「人猿」仍在進化, 從來沒有間斷, 於她腦袋。 一個可以從左至右看穿, 有蜜蜂通道的腦袋。 一個裝載如此世界 - 好生養的象媽媽除了生出小象也生斑馬也生老虎也生長頸鹿 - 的腦袋。
看您, 還像活在「世界在龜背上」的年代, 尚未知道地球是圓, 老是想世界的模樣。
「三樓的天花板是天台的地板。」三四歲的您捧著奶瓶看天花板。這個概念, 我們仍然需要教新手同事。要知道三樓的 reflected ceiling plan 必須參照四樓的 structural plan 。四五歲的您:「怎麼在一樓只見一樓的天花, 不能看到二三四五六七八樓的天花板。但呀, 無論在哪一層 , 都可以看到天空? 」又:「怎麼在隧道內只見隧道頂, 一出去就看到天空? 」哎呀, 那不正是你已經離開隧道?! ... 當時,我告訴你,這是透視與角度。我以為這就是答案 ...
「香港的天空是不是北京的地板? 」五歲的您, 在飛機上:「地底下有人生活嗎? 」我終於頓悟。我們實際上是在乘升降機, 不是搭飛機。您的地球是座摩天大樓。藍色天花板, 大得無處不在。穿越它, 可以到達北京。遁地, 直到南方。
「東和西不停地轉換嗎? 地球在轉。英國呀,法國呀,意大利呀 ... 時兒在西, 時兒在東。」七歲的您問題沒完沒了。你也開始做實驗。要知道政府有沒有做好他們份工, 半夜十點半你喝了一大杯水喉水:「我已有心理準備。如果他們沒有監測好水質, 半夜進醫院!」
原來處於現代, 也可以活在蠻荒思想世界。若飢。 若愚。若癡。
兩星期前, 您找來本「達爾文演化論入門」。八歲的您, 仍在努力思考亞當夏娃與猿人。
The child's logic harvests at its own time, authentic as it should be. As I'm catching up with your time, my dear child, you are suddenly eight and a half ... Myths of Adam, Eve and Apes are still swirling in your head ...
A September afternoon. Sitting on the sofa.
" God made man. And as said, human did evolve from apes. Then ... Adam and Eve should be ... APES. " An 8-year-old you mumbled.
What a logic. All a sudden, Adam and Eve in the paintings of...Lucas Cranach the Elder...Albrecht Duren...Tizian...Michelangelo...morphed into apes. These illusions, have been hovering.
"She denied that she was born as a baby ape." A 5-year-old you complaining a classmate who loved to "lie". In a delivery room, I dreamed, a group of mama were holding their new born baby apes, smiled gently ... How wonderful life is, as I can see this in you, through you. Wish your kindergarten teacher, Miss Chan, would read this post. She will witness with me this evolution of " The Great Apes " in your head. A head, which one could see through from the left to the right, where the bees channel was. A head, which was bearing a world - mama elephant would give birth to baby elephant, baby tiger, baby zebra, baby giraffe - an incredibly amazing world.
It seems, you are still living in the era when "The World was on the Turtle's Back", yet to know the earth is.
"Ceiling of the second level is the floor of the third level (roof of our small house)." A 3-year-old you was holding a bottle of milk gazing to the ceiling. This concept, we still need to teach the new comers to our design studio. To know the second floor reflected ceiling plan, one must refer to the third floor structural plan. A 4-5 year-old you wondered, " I can always see the first floor ceiling on the first floor, but, cannot see the ceilings of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth ... floors from the first floor. However, no matter on what level, you can still see the sky!? " And, " In a tunnel I see the tunnel ceiling. When you get out the tunnel, there's the sky AGAIN? " OH! Was it simply that you had left the tunnel ?!!! ... At that time, I told you about perspective and view. I guessed this was the answer ... but it was not. Actually, it was too far from the core of thought.
"Is the sky of Hong Kong the floor of Beijing?" A 5 year-old you on a plane, " Are there people living under the ground ?" I finally grabbed it. We were in a LIFT, instead of flying on plane. Your Earth is a hugh block of skyscraper. The BLUE CEILING was a big canopy, as it's covering every corner. Up through the canopy, you would reach Beijing. Down through the ground, we would arrive the South.
" Is East and West kept interchanging? The earth rotates. Then, Britain, France, Italy, the Western world will rotate to the East ... East and West are swopping continuously ? " A 7 year-old you with endless questions. You have been starting with experiments. You wanted to figure out whether our Government has done his job properly, you drank a large glass of tap water ( one supposes not to do this in HK ) at 10:30pm, "I have prepared to be in hospital if they do not have good water quality monitoring. "
It is a myth to me. In this modern era, we are standing on the shoulder of a giant. With our great ancestors, a lot of mysteries unfolded. We can access their wisdoms from books, internets ... We get to know before we have asked. We are fed even without thinking we need to be fed. It's far too amazing to see a mind works like ancients in this era ... building up from scratches ...
Two weeks ago, you got the "Introduction to Darwin's evolutionary theory" from a bookstore. An 8 year-old with a keen heart. Just stay hungry, stay foolish. As Steve said. Though, soon you may leave the scratching from dust stage ...
On your 7th birthday, you wished to have a present, the same kind of present for every coming birthday. You wanted a seal with your name on. Nothing else you desired for. " The older I am, the bigger the seal has to be." You said. When you become very old, you would have a HUGH seal.
We adored the idea and promised a seal every year ... which may not be bigger but surely a different and unique one.
Right : 7Y ; Left : 8Y
* Bold black / Italic black letters for links.